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Sylvia constantly says she will do something but never does. Or, better yet, she will say she already did the thing you asked her to do, only for you to find out that was a lie. In July I called to cancel a renter's insurance policy for an apartment I had already moved out of. I did not move into another apartment, and did not need renter's insurance anymore. While on the phone, she said she had made the change in the computer, and asked me to send her an email reiterating my request so she could have a hard copy for her records. I did just that. Months later, I am still paying for the renter's insurance policy. After speaking with her again, and providing her with proof that I emailed her to request she cancel my renter's insurance, she wants to see a new lease to prove that I am no longer at the old address. I didn't need to provide her with a lease to sign up for renter's insurance, and shouldn't have to provide her with one to cancel renter's insurance. It is MY decision (and possible a future landlord's decision) whether or not I have renter's insurance. Not hers. This is just one of the many examples of howSylvia is unorganized, irresponsible, and unprofessional. My family and I have never had a good experience with her and I certainly do not recommend this agent.

Rating (out of 10): 1

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