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Charlie Merrill took advantage of my family.When confronted he said "What are doing to do take away my license?" He convinced my 90 year old MIL to liquidate her assets $300, 000 and buy a 30 year annuity. 30 year. The annuity is now worth only worth $90,000. He refused to accept she was incompetence and took advantage after she had a major stroke and stuck in a fetal position and could not speak. She passed recently and we still do not know who her power of attorney was for 5 years. My husband is going through the Trust and Probate and finally able to see all the money stolen from his family. My daughter no longer has money for college. Charlie Merrill died recently, but his daughter Sarah, was aware of his illegal activities and watched it happen. DO NOT TRUST THESE PEOPLE WITH YOUR ELDERLY .

Rating (out of 10): 1

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