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Current Review:
I have been using Adcock, for my health ins. since my husband went on Medicare, 12 yrs. ago. First speaking with Blake, then Misty and Bilma over the years. I've always experienced great service, with courtesy, prompt return calls, prompt information and reminders about renewals. They've even helped me with general questions pertaining my daughter's ins., as her ins. clerk and agent did not. The referrals I've made to others have turned out very satisfactory also. Recently, I had Medicare questions, as I will turn 65 in a few months. Bilma told me not to worry, she would help me select he best supplemental plans, that fit my needs and take it from there. Really good to know, I'm still going to have the service I've been accustomed to and a real live, local and courteous person to talk to. We deal with a lot of businesses we could complain about, but it is more important to tell the ones who do a great job, just that.

Rating (out of 10): 10

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