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when I moved back to long island. switched my insurance to them . no problem. they took my money, insured me. fine. but since i'm a commercially licensed driver, no accidents, no points.no d w i, and drive less then 20 miles a day. why does my insurance go up every 6 months. so i called. spoke with Charlene, told her this. she said she would look into it and get back to me. she called me back for information, gave it to her, 2 weeks and 3 phone calls no response. imagine if I made a claim? would they do the same thing. Is this good customer service. I think NOT!!! if I gave my customers service like this I wouldn't have many. In the spring when I pick up my 2018 vehicle, and get top end insurance, think I'm gonna insure with them.

Rating (out of 10): 3

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