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Ameritas Life Insurance Corp

Ameritas Life Insurance Corp Logo

Ameritas Life Insurance Corp

5900 O Street
Lincoln, NE 68510
Phone: (800)745-1112

Ameritas Life Insurance sells life insurance, annuities, retirement plans, group dental, eye care and hearing care insurance, investments, and public finance.

Ameritas is a Unifi Company

Parent Company: Unifi Group
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Reviews and Ratings for Ameritas Life Insurance Corp

This company has an overall rating of: 1.00 (1.00 out of 10)

1 total review

Rate & review Ameritas Life Insurance Corp

Review of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp by Nerita on April 02, 2013
(1 out of 10)
I only come into contact with dental branch of Ameritas and they have some shady things going on. Periodically Ameritas will "lose" your claims, and then, when you call to inquire about the status of the claim, they say that they did not receive it, and that it is too late to refile it because policy has 90 days timely filing limit. On more than one ocasion, later we found out that it was 180 days, not 90 days! They refuse to reprocess anythning, even if we have pre-operative and post-operative x-rays to prove the service was done when we say it was done, and they do not take anything less than certified letter slip to prove that the claim was mailed to them. Now, please, show me a dental office that mails all their claims certified mail! We will have to start charging patients with Ameritas insurance full fee up front and let them deal with insurance company themselves. Maybe Ameritas would pay more attention to their paying customers!

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Our data on Ameritas Life Insurance Corp was last reviewed, or updated, February 15, 2011

Revision History
02/15/2011 01:19 PM