Insurance Resources
The following contains resources for insurance shoppers. Resources include insurance coverage requirements for your state, insurance tools, homeowner tools, life insurance calculators and more.
If you are looking for an educational view of insurance, you might want to take a look at our insurance learning center for more. In this section, you will be able to learn about insurance coverage, insurance discounts along with methods to save money and ensure the proper protection.
Looking to educate yourself prior to making an insurance purchase? Read through our insurance learning center. If you can't find what you are looking for "ask an insurance agent".
State Information
- State Car Insurance Minimum Liability Requirements (
Print Version)
- State Departments of Insurance Listing
- State Department of Motor Vehicle - DMV listings
Vehicle Information
Insurance Company Resources
- Insurance Level company directory
Our comprehensive insurance company directory contains detail on more than 350 insurance companies. If you are searching for contact information, web site addresses for insurance companies, or social media site profiles (including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube) you will be able to locate the company detail in our directory. You can even request an update to our data that will alert you after a manual review and discovery. - Insurance Company Logos - We have logos for over 300 insurance companies in our directory.
- Insurance companies on Facebook (Full Facebook Insurance Directory)
If you are seeking a broad view of what an insurance company offers, a view of their facebook page will give you some insight into the policies that a company offers along with a snapshot of how the public feels about them. - Insurance companies on Twitter (Full Twitter Insurance Company Directory)
Looking for an instant response to an issue with an insurance company? Many have active social media experts who will put you in touch with the right personnel at a moments notice when contacted through social sites such as Twitter - Insurance companies on LinkedIn
- Insurance companies with YouTube channels
Car Insurance
- Car Insurance Rates by State
Wondering how your state stacks up compared to other States in the US? We all feel that our car insurance rates are too high. Find out if your complaint is a valid one. We have car insurance rates per state from 2004 through 2010.
Home Insurance Resources
- Household inventory record (.xls spreadsheet file)
Everyone who owns their own home should have a home inventory record. The spreadsheet in the link above will allow you to record each item in your home, its cost, and detail for each item.
Interesting Insurance Related
- Most Dangerous Jobs in 2011
Your job can affect your ability to obtain insurance coverage, or it can affect the rate that you pay. Find out the 10 most dangerous jobs in 2011.
Looking for an insurance education? Curious about coverages, or ways to save? Take a look in our Insurance learning center.