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Allstate Insurance

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Allstate Insurance

2775 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: (847)402-5000
Toll Free: (800)255-7828
Year Founded: 1931

Allstate sells Auto, Home, Life Insurance and other financial products through a group of nationwide representatives.

Parent Company: Allstate Group
Stock Symbol: ALL
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Reviews and Ratings for Allstate Insurance

This company has an overall rating of: 1.00 (1.00 out of 10)

2 total reviews

Rate & review Allstate Insurance

Review of Allstate Insurance by John M. on March 18, 2015
(1 out of 10)
Rates are extreme, coverage was horrible, and the agents are a joke. I switched agents 3 times to find a good one. FAIL

Review of Allstate Insurance by Bill M. on January 20, 2014
(1 out of 10)
They want your premiums but look out if you have a claim. Every one wants more money when it comes to a settlement but the way ALLSTATE works is abrasive and disrespectful. I ask every one I spoke with how much they spent on advertising for 1 new customer. No one knew, the last guy I spoke with said he did not know and didn't care. I ask him if it made since to loose a customer for less than it cost to get a new one? Lets call this guy JERK, Well JERK said he didn't much care. There whole process is set up to make the customer give up. Stone wall won`t negotiate, you hire an appraiser and they hire theirs, they get together to figure value. Guess what its rigged their guy gives value in the toilet. Drag things out if you don't give up they hire another appraiser, an umpire to work with the other appraisers. It`s their guy, they wont let you pick the guy, but you get to pay part for this guy is he fair? the fix is in you loose. If you don't give up they drag things out and you go to arbitrator. Guess who sets this up. You loose. Get some people to work with your customers. I spent 14 years with a car dealer you would think we would know a thing or two about the value of a truck we sell, not according to Allstate THE TIGHT FISTED PEOPLE!!

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Our data on Allstate Insurance was last reviewed, or updated, February 23, 2012

Revision History
02/23/2012 07:01 PM : Added fax number for Allstate. Updated mailing address
06/29/2011 05:51 PM
06/29/2011 05:04 PM : Year founded, corrections to phone

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