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Insurance Lead Credit Policy
We specific circumstances in which we will provide lead replacements. Our lead replacements are in the form of a credit to your account that will be applied to an existing balance and/or future leads.
Client's may receive a lead credit for leads that meet the following criteria:
- Duplicate leads. The same consumer submits two leads of the same insurance type.
- A lead is submitted with the wrong zip code and does not match a zip code within your territory.
- A lead that is submitted under the wrong quote type and the correct quote type is not within your lead territory.
- A comptetitor testing our system resulting in a false lead.
- Consumer Error. Credits are given for leads where no contact is possible. A lead is considered unreachable when there is no phone number or e-mail address and information mailed to the provided address, is returned as undeliverable. Credits are not given for prospects that do not return your call.
- Technical Difficulties. If you receive an email that is illegible or has become "unreadable", please call our office and we will resend the referral. Credit will not be given for email addresses that have been changed.
The following situations are considered a normal circumstance with any prospect communication and therefore not eligible for lead replacement:
- Consumer is not calling you back
- Consumer already found someone to complete the work
- Consumer changed their mind
- Consumer is just "shopping"
- You did not win the job
- You contact us more than 30 days past the date on which the lead was received