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Tom Stambaugh Reviews & Ratings

This agent has an overall rating of 1.00 (1.00 out of 10)
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Agency Description:

Tom Stambaugh is listed with the title of Manager and has a profile that has been viewed more than 382 times.

The business is listed as having 10000 employees with revenue in the 10 to 20 milli range .

  • Agent: Tom Stambaugh
  • Address: PO BOX 186
  • ROCKVILLE, IN 47872-0186
  • Phone: (765)569-3191
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Reviews of Tom Stambaugh - Insurance Agent

Review from Lin on June 27, 2021
1 (1 out of 10)
When I was a college student, I asked Tom Stambaugh to put my car on my parents' insurance policy and he scolded me for asking. I am not wealthy, so I told him that I needed to do that he said okay. Recently I've moved to a new town and decided to switch to a Farm Bureau agent in my area, only to discover that Tom had never put me on my parents' policy in the first place. I kept wondering why I was having to pay so much for car insurance all the time and why the price never went down over the years, even though my car was getting old. I had never received a single discount. Now I'm paying much less with the new agent because of the good discounts offered by Farm Bureau. I heard that Tom Stambaugh has recently retired. Well, I hope he enjoys his retirement on our backs with the money that my parents & I have struggled to earn all these years with no breaks.