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Absolutely the worst experience I have ever had with a local business. Make no mistake, your best interests take a back seat when you do business here. If you feel your account has been handled improperly, tough luck. It will be explained to you all the various reasons that the customer is always WRONG. So what if mistakes made here put your personal finances and credit in jeopardy? Don't expect for it to be made right. Feel improperly informed? Too bad, he will just attempt to lay blame on your spouse, yourself, anything possible to avoid resolving the issue. You pay an agent to get a great deal for YOU, not the agent. You too may have to bargain with one of the worlds largest companies yourself. Is the motive for such behavior incompetence or greed? I really can't speak to that, I will leave it for the public to judge. I truly feel this company is betting on you to not have the resources in hand to hold them accountable, that your complaint will go away as it would be more expensive for you to have justice than to accept your loss. I have spent a lifetime in customer service positions and have built a reputation for excellence; repeat customer loyalty is KEY to success. Alienating customers may save your business money this month, but sets you on a course to failure in the long term. I think Benjamin Franklin said it best : "Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it."

Rating (out of 10): 1

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